Very quickly, there is something new from last year that now brings all spending under review; it's called strategic reviews.
Basically, on a four-year cycle all existing spending within government—what we call the “A base”—will be reviewed. We're doing it in chunks, doing basically 25% of it each year, more or less. That review is being done to assess whether or not programs are properly aligned with government priorities, whether or not they're actually providing value for money. Organizations are being asked to identify lowest-priority programs, lowest-performing programs, as well as areas where they actually may require additional investment to improve performance. These are all then considered by cabinet, as part of the budget-planning process.
The key point about strategic reviews is that this is our tool to get at all ongoing spending. It's not just looking at new spending. It looks at the whole of it, and as part of that process, departments are expected to be reflecting on any of their programs that are addressing gender issues. So it comes in that way.