I don't want to put myself into the head of the secretary per se.
There's a host of different corporate champions for different types of matters that get asked for. There are employment equity champions, gender-based analysis champions. There's a whole host of different champions. Part of it may be that a particular assistant secretary has an interest in an area and asks. They put forward their name and say they would like to be considered a champion in this area.
Mainly, the role of a champion within TBS is a leadership role. It's to ensure that as a secretariat we understand and fulfill our responsibilities with respect to GBA. The champion is really coordinating and promoting the training sessions and trying to make sure that their colleagues, at least at the secretariat level, are sending their analysts to the required training. The champion also sits at the table with the status of women gender equality interdepartmental committee that's chaired by Status of Women Canada.
In terms of special skills or qualifications, I think it's a leadership capacity and ability to motivate the organization. It certainly helps if someone has a passion for an issue, I think. I suspect that those are the types of things the secretary is looking for.