I only have so much time. Could I ask you to talk about a specific example?
I met with a couple of women's groups in my riding over the weekend. In the 2008 budget, there is the idea of putting forward the $5,000 tax-free account, for instance. It could also be built on for future years for the unused portion.
We know from this committee that women make significantly less than men. Women entrepreneurs have to put more of their personal income into what they're doing than men do. That's one of the things we learned. Also, they're much more likely to face family care responsibilities that are more difficult.
These women have done somewhat of an analysis of it, and they're wondering if a gender-based analysis was done on that particular issue. It seems to me that what it's done is spread the gap between men and women even further. I'm wondering if that's a fair statement. I would like to know if a GBA was done on that particular policy. I'm not trying to be partisan about it; I'm just trying to understand how these legislative things get passed. Are they actually going through a GBA lens?