This is a cynical view, but it is, as Nancy said a little while ago, a matter of political will. When you have a Department of Finance official who's allowed to sit there and say “We don't have to account for the pension income splitting because that's a benefit that goes to families, so there's no gender analysis. A family is a different entity from a woman; it's different words, so you don't need a gender analysis.” If you don't have people in Status of Women Canada who will call people on that, then you simply cannot function in this area.
It is a great tragedy. Status of Women Canada was a world leader in the development of gender-based analysis and saw the implementation of training programs and policies of a very detailed nature in every one of 24 departments of the federal government through to the end of the 1990s. The work has been done, the people were trained, the programs were put into place.
Within the federal government, then, short of a change in political will, all that can be done is to keep shining the light on it as brightly as you can.