Yes. The way the personal income taxes work is that everybody who files a tax return and has taxable income pays exactly the same rate now on their first $37,800 in income. That rate is 15%. If somebody has $1 million in taxable income, they will pay 15% on their first $37,800; they don't go right to their top rate for everything. There's that first little slice of income that is $37,800 and that is taxed at 15% for everybody.
Then the next slice of income for everybody is taxed federally at the 22% rate, so if somebody's taxable income goes above $37,800, they pay 22%—just on that additional income—in their second slice.
Then the third slice is for people who have incomes over $78,000 or so. They pay the top marginal tax rate, just on that third slice or the fourth slice.
Think of it as a triangle and the slices being—