I'd like to thank everyone for coming back again this morning and doing the presentations.
Certainly we've heard some valuable information here this morning. We've got some concrete questions we can ask. You've steered us in a good direction. We've heard things today that will certainly apply to the mission and the objective of this committee, which is to study gender budgeting. What we've heard today is of great use to us, far better than trying to determine if another set of policies might have been the way to go. That's not our role here. Our role is trying to determine whether the policies that were chosen are the correct ones. What we got today was some information to help us do that.
I really look forward to having the written information. I love to be able to have it in front of me so that I can make my own notes.
I have one question for Ms. Peckford. You had mentioned a possible role for the Auditor General. Could you elaborate on that a bit more for us, please?