Order, please.
Members of committee, we have on video conference, as you can see, our witnesses from the City University of New York, Professor Marilyn Rubin; the Scottish Women's Budget Group, Angela O'Hagan; the UK Women's Budget Group, Janet Veitch; and Glasgow Caledonian University, Ailsa McKay.
Now, I have to let you know that when they are talking, they'll appear on the larger screen. When they're not talking, they'll fade into the background. The Scottish Women's Group has to leave by 10 a.m. They have a prior engagement. We will start off with Angela O'Hagan and Ailsa McKay. They'll do a joint presentation. There will be half an hour of presentations, totally, because everybody will be doing 10 minutes.
There is a delayed reaction, so please do not speak fast. The chair is the only one who seems to speak fast, but please do not speak fast. Go slow, and wait for them to hear and then respond. Okay?
Welcome to all of you. Can you hear me?