I'm happy to respond. Unfortunately, I don't have all of the information.
I know that for each of the provisions there were specific areas where impacts were identified, or there were possible impacts where monitoring was required. To give you one example, the policy work that rolls out of this is the responsibility, to some extent, of the various policy groups. I'm not fully up to date on that. We can get back to you with what has been done.
I can give you a sense, for example, of the evaluation of the impacts of the changes to the selection criteria for skilled workers. As the implementation of the act comes forward, we have been waiting to gather enough data to do a full evaluation of the impacts. We are almost at a stage--and you'll see that in the annual report--to do that. It takes time to actually gather as the people roll through the system.
While it seems as if six years is a long time, because of the time it takes to process and for people to arrive here, we are still not at a point where most of this analysis....
And that's just one example. For me to go through the whole list and respond wouldn't make sense, because I'd use up all of your time. But we can get back to you.