No, I haven't seen that. Australia, which was really the lead country in 1980 in looking at gender budgeting, did a women's budget, and it's gone downhill in terms of being more a PR exercise, but at least it gets people's minds thinking about how anything you do affects men and women differently. Sometimes it may be hard to see.
In Indonesia, which is not Commonwealth, they use their system very well. Their primary system is not the budget but the plan, because they still do 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, and 20-year plans. Those are the blueprints for everything, and everybody in the government knows that if it's in the plan, you do it.
So the challenge there was to get the gender issues and get the disaggregation and get the analysis into the plan. Once it's in the plan, the budget will flow automatically. There's no debate at the budget level.