Thank you for your question.
GBA has been in the picture at the federal level for many, many years. We've been talking a lot about it, but there's no political will. From my point of view, and I think it was also the point of view of our committee, of our group of experts, there has to be a law that forces the federal government to systematically do GBA. Just like in other laws, there is an obligation to report annually from, let's say, an environmental point of view or the law on multiculturalism. There are some laws where there is an obligation to report annually on what has been done and what has not been done.
What we're talking about here is forcing the government to apply GBA and to do annual reports and show the progress, if there is any. I think it's the only way to do it, because it won't be done and there won't be enough financial resources put.... I think right now only the immigration department is forced to do it in its law. So I think there should be a law that forces all federal agencies and departments to apply GBA.