Yes, absolutely we do. I'll try to quickly walk you through this and give you a picture of how it works.
There's us, the gender-based analysis unit. We provide support to branches. The branches develop their plans. Check one is that the director general for each branch signs off those plans. So there's an accountability mechanism there.
Policy program proposals come to a central policy committee. There's a second check there.
Overseeing that policy committee is our policy sector, which has an overall coordination challenge role in policies. There's an additional check built in there.
We produce the results of all of that in our annual immigration report. We also build the results into our report on plans and priorities, the departmental performance report. That brings in an additional check.
There's a final thing I would add on the responsibility of my organization. We have a five-year framework. It's 2008, so we have to be turning our minds to what the next framework looks like. One thing we need to do in designing the next framework is to do a stock-taking of this framework. That's something we'll have to take to senior management. They sit on top of all this. The executive committee sees the annual immigration report, the outputs of the policy, and they see what the RPP looks like. Ultimately they'll see the stock-taking exercise and where we need to go next.
Does that give you a good picture?