Thank you very much for coming here today. I have listened carefully to your comments.
You are saying that is has been a bit of a long road, which is clear to everyone around this table. Even though each government has its own way of seeing things, this issue is moving ahead. We did state that the budget had to take into account equality between men and women.
I am the first person to have been appointed parliamentary secretary for the Status of Women, and I take my role seriously. I find it marvellous that everyone around the table is trying to advance the cause of women. We all represent a political party, but we are trying to reach agreement because this issue a great importance to all of us.
You have talked about the need for legislation, which is a suggestion that we have often heard. Ms. Minna has also talked about this. I am not against the idea. However, I would like you to tell me which department should take the initiative for the legislation, since things get complicated when the issue is addressed to everyone. What should the scope of the legislation be? What can we do to ensure that the legislation encourages the government of the day, regardless of the party in power, to systematically prepare a gender-based budget?
As has been pointed out, this is a long road. I know that studies were done and it all seemed to be a burden some at some point, so the idea was dropped.