Thank you, Madam Chair.
We are very pleased to appear before this committee today. As you mentioned, I am accompanied by Anne Marie Smith, who is the head of our legal department. We are pleased to be here to speak to you about our role and mandate and about how we undertake our work at the Office of the Auditor General.
I'm also pleased to discuss the mandate of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development with you today. As I understand, the committee may be interested in how a similar model could be applied to gender budgets.
As many of you know already, the Auditor General is an officer of Parliament. We audit federal government operations and provide Parliament with independent information, advice, and assurance regarding the federal government's stewardship of public funds. We cannot, as an audit office, comment on policy choice. While we may comment on policy implementation in an audit, we do not comment on the policy itself. We do, however, advocate for good, sound management of a program. Madam Chair, this is key to our effectiveness. By not delving into the merits of government policy, we can maintain our independence and objectivity, and therefore our credibility.
Basically, we are in the business of legislative auditing. We conduct performance audits of federal departments and agencies, annual financial audits of the government's financial statements, and special examinations and annual financial audits of Crown corporations.
Our financial audits provide assurance that financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles and other relevant standards.
Our special examinations assess the management systems and practices of Crown corporations and provide opinions on whether there is reasonable assurance that there are no significant deficiencies.
Our performance audits examine whether government programs are being managed with due regard for economy, efficiency, and environmental impact. I would like to emphasize that we do not do program evaluations — that is, we do not measure the effectiveness of programs.
The results of our performance audits are presented to Parliament three or four times each year, for a total of about 30 audits or report chapters per year. Chapters may cover topics that are specific to a department or agency, for example military health care, or that are government-wide in nature, for example the use of acquisition and travel cards. Each audit is framed by audit objectives and criteria that are discussed with the departments at the beginning of the audit. Usually an audit process takes between 12 and 18 months to complete. All of our audit work is conducted in accordance with the standards set by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. It is guided by a rigorous methodology and quality management framework.
The Auditor General Act gives our Office the discretion to determine what areas of government to examine through performance audits. We do risk assessments of federal departments and a number of management areas (such as human resources and information technology) in order to identify the most significant topics for audit.
Since 1995, the Office has also had a specific environmental and sustainable development mandate, which was established through amendments to the Auditor General Act. The Commissioner reports to the Auditor General and leads a group of 40 auditors. Ail work conducted by the Commissioner's group is subject to the same standards as the rest of the Office.
On behalf of the Auditor General, the Commissioner reports to the House of Commons on any environmental and sustainable development matters that he considers should be brought to its attention. The Commissioner uses essentially the same process for his audits that we use for our performance audits. Again, the emphasis is on sound management of an environmental program as opposed to the merits of the policy.
The commissioner is also responsible for monitoring, auditing, and reporting publicly on the environmental petitions process and departmental sustainable development strategies. The petitions process is unique, in that Canadians can get timely answers from federal ministers on specific environmental and sustainable development issues that involve federal jurisdiction. Petitions have prompted action by federal departments and agencies, such as new environmental projects, follow-up on alleged violations, and changes or clarifications in policies and practices.
Madam Chair, this has been a very brief overview of our role and mandate, including that of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. We would be pleased to discuss these issues and answer any questions committee members may have.
Thank you.