Everybody has a copy. Okay.
What I want to say in connection with this is that the reason I'm saying “independent” and not tying it to the Auditor General is that I thought from the start that it ought to have independence. After listening to the Auditor General this morning and to the expert panel earlier this week, I think it's quite obvious. The expert panel, which had done a great deal of research and study and consultations, have advised that it should be an independent office because it would have a broader reach and an ability to actually oversee and analyze and go in and look at policy directions of government, as well as be a bit of an advocate, I suppose. The Auditor General herself also said this morning that a commissioner working through her office would be limited primarily to evaluating after the fact and would not really be part of the overall process.
I think it's important because there are six officers reporting to Parliament now and women in this country make up 51% of the population. It affects more than women, actually, because GBA is about more than just women; it's about all the population, and the commissioner's office ought to have the strength and powers required to report to Parliament directly. I have neglected to say that the commissioner would report to Parliament; I think it's understood, but if anyone wants to put that in, that's fine.