We're not doing check-off lists. There are some countries who go for the check-off list. We felt it was not efficient. A check-off list never tells you if you actually have reached people and if you've changed their behaviour.
I know that you've had discussions about training. Training is only one element. Internationally—and Canada follows this model also—it's a set of things. I suppose this is where you're going, with respect to model and processes. We're just starting to be able to work with departments, not just from an individual capacity. With individual capacity, you never know if you're going to have the result you want at the end of the day. You have a critical mass, and it could take forever to train everyone. We are moving towards organizational capacity.
This means you need things like political will, certain structures inside of a department, a governance structure. I think Sheila Regehr spoke of governance structures. These are things we are exploring with the departments. These techniques seem to work in other countries.
Right now, what's the best model? I don't know if I would call it wrong or right. I think we're calling it the best-fit model. What's good for an organization like the Department of Finance may not be good for another organization like Health Canada. That's what we're exploring right now.
I think there was an attempt in the past. I remember, for example, in 2005 the government thought it would be a good thing to have a GBA champion in every department. Is that a good model? Is that a best-fit model? Not sure. Some people will argue that it's much better—I think this is where we're leaning—to have an inherent understanding and a change of behaviour throughout a department, instead of keeping it in the hands of one person or in one unit.
These are things we are exploring. They are part of the accountability approach we're looking for. I think that's where we're at now. We're saying we can train till the cows come home, but we need to make sure that there's accountability with respect to the change in behaviour in a department.