With respect, what the partnership fund does is it gives us an opportunity to actually create genuine partnerships where other partners are involved from the beginning of the project through to its completion and the evaluation. What that does is say that we know that other sectors of society—not just government, but the private sector, non-governmental, other levels of government—equally have responsibility towards ensuring that women will have full participation.
The partnership fund is an opportunity to create this kind of partnership. It's not impossible under the community fund, but that's not what the focus of the community fund is. For example, we're working on a project now that will be around homelessness in the north. The fund enables us to bring in a whole range of people from the private sector, from other levels of government, from some very fine non-profit organizations, so that every sector is contributing its expertise and adding value to that project. We think we will get much larger benefits from some of these kinds of projects that individual groups could not do.