Here is what I have--the list--and if you could please listen to it carefully, it looks like there are lawyers, activists, and tax federations. I'm going to read out the list: Sharon McIvor, who is a first nations lawyer, and she's in British Columbia; Shelagh Day, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action; Karen Busby, faculty of law, University of Manitoba; Mary Eberts, who is a well-known lawyer and equal rights expert, and she is in Toronto.
For minorities, the list is: the National Anti-Racism Council of Canada; the Native Women's Association of Canada; the Métis National Council of Canada; the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund; the Disabled Women's Network Canada; the National Association of Women and the Law; the Canadian Feminist Alliance For International Action; Canadian Tax Foundation; Kathleen Mahoney from the University of Calgary; and Colleen Shepherd, Faculty of Law, McGill University.