I would like to emphasize something that Dr. Bartle said, which was about the importance of the initial commitment do this.
I'm quite certain you'll hear a lot of very stimulating witnesses who will tell you a lot of important things, and you will walk away and won't be sure what to do, because there are a lot of uncertainties about this. Make the step anyhow. We are only going to figure this out as we plunge in and learn by doing. There are a lot of very accomplished people who are in Ottawa in positions to work a lot of this out and who have not yet been charged with the challenge of sorting through its complexities. But if you make the commitment that we want that information, wonderful things will happen as people roll up their sleeves and work this out.
So I would not be dissuaded, even though your witnesses, as you see them in the next weeks and months, won't have the magic answers for you. We don't need the magic answers. We just need the commitment, and then we'll work it out.