I wish I could report on something different--that is, a partisan difference--but I'm afraid that both governments we have had since 1995 have been unable to meet the Beijing commitments. That does tar both the Liberals and the Conservatives with the same brush. However, I'm hopeful that we can work with either the Conservatives or the Liberals, or whoever is forming the government, to actually make substantive change and use these incredible surpluses. It's the opportunity not of a generation, Madam Grewal, but the opportunity of economic history in Canada to use a portion of those surpluses to make life better for men and women.
I would completely concur that after three years of cuts from 1995 to 1998, when the Liberal government had the opportunity to reinvest in the programs they had cut, they did not do that, but neither has the Conservative government. Nobody gets off free on this one.