Madame Grewal, I don't know what conversations you have with your constituents. I know that by and large, in the work we do through the Social Planning Council, which is my constituency, nobody is asking for tax cuts. People are asking for more service.
I don't know if you recall this. I live in Toronto, and about six weeks ago we had a huge political fight about which community centres, rinks, and pools we were going to cut; we decided to increase taxes to avoid those cuts, because they were happening in areas where in fact we are trying to stop kids from shooting each other to death. There's not enough stuff for them to do, so you need to keep those centres open.
I think the Canadian population is getting to the place where...I'm not saying they would pay more, but they don't want to see service cuts, and I don't think you can keep cutting taxes at this stage without actually threatening loss of service. That is not what Canadians want.