I would. Thank you very much for the opportunity, Ms. Grewal.
In this exercise we're talking about incorporating gender analysis into the budgeting process. If this committee were successful in requiring that the Department of Finance incorporate gender-based analysis into its analysis of new federal initiatives, it would become very clear that tax cuts benefit men more than they benefit women, and that therefore, in introducing those kinds of across-the-board tax cuts, Canada is not living up to its commitment under the Beijing Platform for Action. There's a very direct connection here.
People talk about gender-based budgeting or gender-based analysis in budgeting or gender budgets as if the subject is abstract and far away. It's very nitty-gritty, and that's what UNPAC tried to show and what they did show with the workshops they held across Manitoba—rural, urban, and north—with grassroots women. These things affect women very directly.