It is the departments that appoint the champions, not Status of Women Canada. We can encourage departments to appoint champions. We can also encourage them to have those with the proper expertise assist their various units. We'll also be working on the response to help the various departments clarify expectations on when it is appropriate to perform gender-based analysis and how to report the findings. For example, we could help them to ensure that they are assessing the differential impacts on men and women in their policies, programs, and legislation.
We will be working with them to ensure that they have a department-wide framework, as well as sufficient capacity, for the implementation of gender-based analysis. We feel it's important to have the support of our colleagues from Treasury Board and the Privy Council Office as we work with departments to ensure that this is developed.
We're also going to be asking each department to do a self-assessment on the effectiveness of gender-based analysis and to report to Status of Women on an annual basis so that we can get a better idea of how they're doing and where they may need further work as time goes on. For this they will use the performance measurement template that we have developed.