Okay, thanks.
There is a situation in the building of the new Olympic subway. Workers who came from Latin America on temporary visas were paid less than workers who came on temporary visas from Europe. That's another illustration of differential pay rates based not on gender discrimination but on forms of discrimination that are endemic to the market.
To conclude, I will simply note some of the other factors that you've had people speak about already: the restriction of what job group will count as female-dominated; the assignment of joint responsibility to both employers and unions, which really doesn't fit a model of rights; the reliance on the collective bargaining process, and the fact that rights are not something that are put in a situation in which they've been traded away or compromised; the denial of assistance and the contradiction that presents in terms of other international obligations Canada has specifically under the declaration on the rights of human rights defenders to provide assistance for defending human rights; and again the broader--