Thank you.
Let me begin by thanking every one of you for coming here today. It's certainly much appreciated.
You're undoubtedly aware that this committee has been following this issue for some time. As I listened to you, and having been around this committee for a while, I'm struck at the exceptional energy and commitment you have put into trying to address this issue. I certainly thank you and commend you for that.
I have a number of questions, but a couple of them that came to me I thought you may not want to answer in public, so I will go back to my other ones.
I attended a summit in Vancouver not too long ago, as others did, organized by a collection of about 25 community groups in Vancouver, very much focused on the 2010 Olympics and human trafficking. Their focus was on protection, prosecution, and prevention of human trafficking. Do you work with these groups in Vancouver? When I listened to your presentations, there was not a lot of discussion on the protection of the victim, or services to the victim, other than a temporary resident permit. Perhaps you could speak to that a little bit, and not too long, because I don't have much time and I have other questions.