Let me get back to your first question.
When we look at the current system, the entire pension plan system, what we are talking about by adding a second layer to the CPP is that we are targeting the mid-income individuals or families who do not usually contribute the full amount of their RRSPs due to various reasons. Maybe they don't have the money or they are spending too much. There are many reasons for that. What we observe is that we actually need to somehow help that group of people to save more for their retirement.
In other words, yes, you are correct, for small and medium-sized firms it could add a little bit of cost to them, but at the same time we are trying to shift the saving pattern, helping them to save a little bit more, and later on they may get the benefit when they retire.
This is the group we are trying to target. We know from statistics that we need help from the employer side, because even if you give the employees a little bit more money, instead of putting it into saving accounts they would probably spend the money and not save for their retirement. That is the reason we have to set up a system to encourage the employees to save. That's the whole idea.