Also, we do not feel it is appropriate for companies and the bargaining process alone to affect these realities. We need legislation to require the across-the-board implementation, of defined benefit pension plans. I would just like to add that the model which is strongly promoted by Quebec is one of the most important ones to have been developed in recent years. I refer here to the plan for daycare services. We are talking about 50,000 people who are covered by an actual defined benefit plan. There are risks that the participants are not liable for. The employer is also a stakeholder.
In my opinion, the fact that it was possible to cover 1,400 companies, even though we are talking about small workplaces with fewer than 30 employees, should provide some food for thought. This is a model. This is not utopic, since we have been able to negotiate these conditions. In fact, we are very proud of that. We believe that should serve as inspiration as we attempt to provide better protection to Canadians.