There are a couple of other things. In Ontario, there's a Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund. If an employer goes bankrupt, the fund guarantees the pensions of workers up to an amount of $1,000 a month. A recent commission in Ontario recommended that that be increased to $2,500 a month, but the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund doesn't have much money in it. In fact, it has nothing in it at the moment.
Ontario is the only province to have such a fund. The CLC has recommended that there should be a fund like that at the national level that provinces and employers could opt into. This fund is funded by levies on employers who sponsor pension plans and it doesn't have government money in it, so something like that might be a possibility.
The other one, which I think somebody here recommended, was to change the bankruptcy laws so that employees who have pensions owing to them are given more priority in bankruptcy proceedings.