In terms of benefits, again, let me go back. The Canada Pension Plan re-organized because of the attack on the whole idea of the Canada Pension Plan. Of course, that wonderful woman from Quebec went on to Parliament Hill. That was phenomenal. We were formed at the same time. We've argued for the increased use of the Canada Pension Plan. We argued for the changes in the investment plans of the Canada Pension Plan, because we saw it running out of money if it was all locked into funding provincial bonds and provincial funds at almost zero interest.
We have expressed great concern and interest in the Canada Pension Plan, but we also have recognized that, increasingly, many people can't contribute to CPP. They're in the marginal labour force. They don't really exist. It doesn't exist for them. So we are concerned now with looking at what can exist, which is old age security and the GIS, and of course, provincially, the GAINS program.
Those have taken up a great deal of interest for us, because we realize that there are limitations for people in their ability to contribute to the CPP. We praise it. We like the new investment strategy. Many people have criticized it, but we've supported it. We were asked to review it by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Review Board. They asked us to give them feedback on what they were doing, and we said we thought they were doing a good job. We have seen, to us, a steady improvement. Our concern is for those who don't have access or who have minimal access. We are concerned. It is a problem, and it's going to become an even bigger problem.