It's social justice.
We've been skirting around the fact that government has a responsibility. I think first and foremost we must focus on women and children, the most vulnerable in society, especially those who are older, and younger children. We need to make sure that we take care of those who are marginalized. We all agree with that.
But what we don't agree on is who should pay for this and how we should pay for this. I'm going to bring up what I think is another inequity in society that has developed in just the last little bit. We talk about the fact that men have better pension plans, and that's true; we discuss those issues and the reasons. What about the fact that the majority of pensions accumulating today come from the public purse? Do we need to start examining that if we talk about equity? I'm talking about MPs' pensions as well. The money that comes from the public purse that provides for a better living--and God bless them, we all want those things--is going to provide for a better livelihood for those fortunate enough to work in the public system. Does that become fair game? Do we start looking at that too when the well runs a little bit dry?