I think we really need to look at whole issue in more depth. We don't have enough good research on involuntary retirement, in most countries, because we don't even want to think about it. But 25% of Canadians, according to our GSS, were forced to retire for reasons of poor health, unemployment, early retirement packages that mask the fact that we're throwing you out, and caregiving. So if we can identify them, there should be a clause somewhere where we can pick up people who face that situation, because they didn't have a choice.
If you lose your job, you lose your job. You go on unemployment insurance, and then what? Older people, and older women, aren't as unemployed; the rate isn't as high. But they last longer in unemployment. So what do you do?
We need to look at ways to deal with that group of people. You can make clauses. You have the ability to do it, actually.