I see that as a really important possibility. One of the problems with our health care system is it is geared to acute care. Most illness in this country today is chronic care. We need to change our health care system to focus on the chronic care, and those are the people who live in community. Eighty per cent of older people have some chronic condition, but they could remain in the community, and nobody is putting money into that.
That's not true. Ontario did because they have an Aging in Place program. Yes, money could be removed from there.
I will point out to you that the proportion of people in institutions in this country has not changed over 20 years; it's 7%. It has never changed, and I don't think it will change. If you look at who's in them now, they're the very sick. It's not hard to get beds in many provinces, although in some it is difficult.
So I do think the money could used more effectively. It would help reduce... We have people in institutions who shouldn't be there and we have people in the community who should be in an institution. It has not been a perfect system.