Nicole, your hand came up just a little too late there, but it is unanimous. Thank you. This will happen in the new year.
I just want to tell you a couple of things. Given that we have only three more meetings, as you know, you're going to be getting your report on pensions on Wednesday, and we will be discussing the report on Thursday and possibly on Friday. We are looking at spending one hour on the trafficking this Thursday. That's going to take an hour off our work, and we wanted to finish this report, table it, and have this dealt with by Thursday, because we're rising and everyone agreed that they wanted this done by Thursday.
Let me tell you what it's going to look like this coming Thursday. From 3:30 to 4:30, we have the minister coming to speak to supplementary estimates and GBA. That's one hour. We have from 4:30 to 5:30 to deal with the beginning of the 25 pages of the report. That's this coming Thursday.
On Tuesday, December 8, we're going to deal for one hour with the Olympics and human trafficking. Then we have one hour to deal with ending our report and with our recommendations.
I'm putting this to you because I want to seek your wisdom as a committee on how you want to use your time. It may very well be that one of these meetings is going to have to be extended by an hour if we're going to make it happen, because we will need to have this thing ready and done on Thursday morning.
Okay, the votes have started, so I'm just letting you know this. Maybe you can think about it, and next week when we meet, you can decide if you want an extra hour in the meeting at some point.
Also, just quickly before you go, a survivor of human trafficking has written to us and has said that she wants to come and present. She wants 10 to 15 minutes. If we add one more person to that one hour, there's no way we'll finish it. I don't know if you want to just stick with the original motion and not expand it. My belief is that if we expand it to one person, we're going to have to expand it to all the others.