You talked about the strike by museum staff and the impact it has on the workers' retirement, but I did not quite understand. I would like some clarification on this.
On a different subject, there is a lot of talk about out-sourcing in the federal government. Rules have been imposed in collective agreements about subcontracting and this is what they are trying to do at the museum. You say many women enjoy an excellent pension plan, but what will be left if the present rate of subcontracting continues unabated?
As for pay equity, I would like to know what will be the impact of the legislation that amended the previous pay equity regime that was applicable to your defined benefit pension plans. It was advantageous to women because all these aspects were excluded from bargaining, they were determined by law. But the large salary decreases that will eventually take place will hit them hard. Subjecting these features to collective bargaining means that the power relationship will apply.
So I would like to know what impact there will be on the pension plan since yours, as you said, is one of the pillars.