If I miss something, please add it to the record. Certainly, first of all, women are half the family. They're making a lot of the purchasing decisions for the family. There's a larger proportion of single-parent families, especially among disabled women. Again, the major dollars spent are being decided upon by women with disabilities.
As I've said over and over, look at people with disabilities as economic drivers. Look at us as customers and potential markets, because there's a whole array of everything from government programs to job creation. One thing that doesn't go away during economic fluctuations is disability. Whether the market is bull or bear, I am as disabled as I was the day before and the day after. Therefore, that's something that's constant in our economy.
Again, the more we're seen as drivers of the economy and drivers of industry, the more it certainly makes good economic sense to provide supports. If you're looking at an economic stimulus package, then rebuilding some of the closed hospitals and filling the nursing shortages and medical personnel shortages makes really good economic sense.