Well, we have committed to this and many other agreements that promote women's health and women's rights. Our commitment is to maintain or hold the line on what we committed to last year—at the very least. At the very most, we should be expanding that commitment and putting some money toward that commitment. I say this because last year there was just the actual commitment and no dollars were put toward it. The hope was that this year we would put some dollars toward that commitment. Our hope is that we will live up to what we agreed to last year as Canada. Mr. Harper did sign onto that and to the whole ball of wax.
Earlier today we were talking about challenges around gender and women in a broader sense, but to come back to this discussion, what are the rights-based issues here and the rights of women with regard to maternal and child health? If we keep to that line, I think we can stay true to where we should be going. It's right out there, as we have committed to this and to these kinds of agreements for many, many years. It's very clear what this means in terms of a full range of comprehensive reproductive and sexual health services. Without that comprehensive range of services, we can't promote women and children's health.
One other figure is the following: if a mother dies, I think a child has a four times greater risk of dying before the age of 12. That, clearly, is another high risk. On that, there's been a great deal of work going on in terms of the disability-adjusted life years, potential years of life lost, and the economics of that. There is very good economics that talks about what all of that means in terms of dollars, as Dr. Shaw mentioned. There's a lot of analysis there that you could be provided with, which really gives you an idea of what the economic implications are of women dying prematurely—not just for themselves and the labour market, but also the impact on their families and their children. Should you want it, I'm sure we could get hold of it for you. The World Bank has done some good analysis of this, as well as other organizations.