I think we need to focus on where there is agreement. Family planning is not controversial. Although I would love to see leadership from Canada on the issue of reproductive rights and access to safe abortion, certainly we can agree that behind every abortion is an unintended pregnancy. We can prevent those. While we will never completely reduce the need for abortion, we can bring it down very substantially if we meet women's need for modern contraception.
I continue to be embarrassed that my own country, the United States, does not in fact, even under our new government, provide support for safe abortion services. But I'm happy to say that most of the European donors, who are involved in this maternal mortality initiative, do support access to safe abortion. The British are very committed to it. The Danish government has made it the focus of their health programs this year. The Norwegians, the Swedes, virtually all of those who have been in the forefront of the leadership on maternal mortality have also supported access to safe abortion as one piece of the effort to reduce maternal deaths. But let's concentrate on where there is agreement, which is about family planning.