My French is awful and so I am going to speak to you in English.
It is a concern, given that Canada, through the Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda for Action, and all the other initiatives we've taken with respect to our approach to international cooperation, where we are acknowledging the importance of southern ownership and the fact that our responsibility as a donor is to support nations in the south, to have them identify their priorities, to have them identify how they believe systems should be, how the needs and the rights of their citizens should be met and respected, is actually now proposing something whereby we would be forcing governments to the south to keep track of the Canadian money, distinct from the money that's coming from Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and all the other G-8 countries, and all the other countries of the world. It's actually going to create a huge burden on health care systems in the global south, because all of a sudden, they're going to have to start to ensure that they're tracking the Canadian money this way and other people's money that way.
From a perspective of aid effectiveness and value for money and accountability, it isn't a good precedent and it isn't a good signal to send.