We have a long history of stability in our organization. As we develop each aspect, we build on it. We move several steps beyond what we have already established each time. At the moment, we are dealing with perhaps the most difficult matter for women in the workplace, becoming integrated into male-dominated occupations.
The first file on my desk was women in construction. That was simple: there weren't any. Just 1.2% of construction workers are female, in spite of the fact that women's levels of training are markedly higher. Proportionally, there are more women trained in construction trades than there are women in construction itself.
We are so far from equality, and these are such good jobs for women below the highest levels of education. They are good union jobs. We will certainly continue to find funding. We thought we had reached perhaps our most important file, but we have received no support from the government. You even consulted us about the matter, but we are getting no funding to do something about it.