As Hélène mentioned, the regulations are intended to outline with a little bit more clarity the terms and obligations and the process that's provided for in the new act. We have been developing them through consultation. We've been working closely with the bargaining agents as well as more than 30 separate agencies, federal public sector employers, the RCMP, and the Canadian Forces to develop them.
Public sector employers, as well as the core administration, all organize and value work differently, so it's important that we work through that and take that into account as we develop the regulations. For the bargaining agents, it's important that we've also thought through how the process will work so that it's effective and that we don't contribute to any delays at the bargaining table. Above all, I think we want to make sure that we strike the right balance in developing the regulations to make sure they set out what they need to, but also ensuring that they can withstand the test of time.
To that end, we held a number of information sessions with all the affected stakeholders, starting in late 2009 and early 2010. Part of the intent behind that, of course, was to raise awareness and understanding among public servants and bargaining agents about the intent of the new act so they're prepared to talk to us about the technical part of the regulations.
We then had a two-day intensive consultation forum in April with bargaining agents and all the federal public sector employers. Following that, in June we came forward with draft policy proposals for the purpose of stimulating discussion on each of the important areas in the regulations, and we held another intensive two-day session with people then. We got a lot of feedback from people, to reflect further on some of our thinking, so that was very useful.
At the end of August, I believe, we received a number of extensive written submissions from bargaining agents and others, presenting their views and ideas of where we should go forward. We are in the midst of doing that analysis and are continuing to consult with a number of the stakeholders bilaterally right now to try to refine the policy proposals for the regulations.
Do I have a little bit more time? Should I stop there?