There are a number of things. We are worried that setting the bar for female-predominant job classes at 70% will reduce access to pay equity. It will disqualify half of the female-predominant groups in our union. Adding market forces to the evaluation criteria in determining whether equal pay is being given for work of equal value reintroduces the criterion that created the discrimination in the first place. Market forces are what cause discrimination against women and result in their work being undervalued. We are very concerned by the fact that we will no longer have access to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The legislation targets one category of women employees, that is, those in the public service, prohibits them from taking action under the Canadian Human Rights Act or complaining and, in particular, prohibits the union from representing its own members. If a union has one fundamental duty, it is to represent its members. Now we are being prohibited from doing so.
As we have already mentioned, this will really bring chaos to the bargaining table. On the one hand, it forces us to bargain for this fundamental right for women, which is unfair, wrong and unjust. Moreover, it will dramatically slow down bargaining, given that everything has to be done at the same time as discussions on pay increases, leave, etc. It will really create confusion in the collective bargaining process.