The community population is about 1,800 and the majority are minors. I guess there's a lot of violence in regard to the women's issues. A lot of women face violence, physical and emotional, from their partners in the community. They sometimes have a hard time going through the court system or going to the police. A lot of the time the police don't come when you want to report violence against you or something like that. That's why the Inuit or aboriginal women in my community are very reluctant to report it.
Also, there are a lot of issues with regard to the minors, the children, and violence. Just this morning I had a call from somebody who works with a couple of children who were involved in sexual abuse. CYFS was involved. Nothing has been done. They came forward and named their perpetrator and to this day nothing has been done for those two kids.
I think it's really important that these issues come forth and that we deal with them in whatever way we can.