I ask specifically because we know that more and more women are going into medical school, for instance. More than 50% of the registrants in our medical schools in Canada are now female, so that wage gap that we have traditionally seen is going to change very quickly.
If I could use an example, if a young female lawyer is working in an accounting office and a male accountant is working in a legal office, the same wages will not be paid to either of those people who are not working in the discipline, because that's not the core business. If it's a lawyer working in an accounting office, the core business is accounting, and they're going after accounting clients. They need legal advice. In the same way, if you have an accountant working in a legal office, that person is not likely to be making the same wage as somebody working in an accounting office, because the law office is going after legal work, even though they need accounting services.
Do you see what I'm saying here? Okay. Thank you.
I want to move to Mr. Farrell.
One of the things I've heard here today is that pay equity is a human right, but what I'm also hearing is that as a human right, it's only to be addressed if someone complains. I would suggest that the safety of my person is a human right, but it is not my right only when I complain if somebody has assaulted me. Would you agree with that?