I think what I referred to when I said there was a remaining gap is we don't know what goes into that remaining gap. It could be choice-based, that people choose certain occupations because they have a preference for the type of work or the types of responsibilities on one hand. On the other hand, we don't know if it's some sort of expectations-based. If you think way back to your pre-labour-market experiences, are you going into certain levels of education, major fields of study, based on some sort of expectation based on gender? So that's a case in which your pre-labour-market behaviour affects your outcomes, which are wages. So for that unexplained portion, that portion of the wage gap that went up to 90ยข, a lot of things are going on.
We may not have measured the appropriate skills that could account for some of the pay gap. It could be choice-based, it could be preference-based, it could be differential treatment by the employers against women, I guess. There are a lot of things going into it. It's a label, that unexplained component as a measure of labour market discrimination.You need to consider a lot of things first before labelling it as such.