Good morning to all our witnesses.
Your comments are very interesting. Of course, everyone knows that pay equity is a fundamental right for all women. As parliamentarians, we at least have a job where we receive equal pay for equal work.
I have several questions, because I don't have a union background. These are questions I often ask because I would like someone to enlighten me.
The primary purpose of unions is to defend their members. So far, I'm right. One thing bothers me. though. When the time comes for female members to sit down with employers, which is what you do, unions have trouble ensuring that women have the same rights and the same wages under the collective agreement. That's what I'm hearing in your testimony.
I have never been unionized. So I'm asking you to answer this. Why, when you're a union member, is it so hard to sit down with employers and say that a woman who does essentially the same work as a man who earns $15 an hour, say, also has the right to earn $15 an hour, and to ask that this be included in a collective agreement, to prevent any potential split?
Could one of you answer that please?