To my knowledge, I don't have any information about a particular country that, having signed, opted out. Certainly different countries have proceeded to develop the indicators to track the status of women pursuant to the Beijing agreements.
What was interesting, of course, was that Canada was a leader in that process. In fact, through the late 1990s, as Leroy was mentioning, there was an enormous investment of energy in Canada to develop equality indicators, which really became benchmarks for other countries around the world. That was true as it pertains to gender equality in aid on the international front and certainly here at home in looking at the status of children.
Statistics Canada played a critical role in our investment in the development of different types of data instruments that were hugely beneficial, not only in understanding the conditions of women in Canada, but also as exemplars, as my colleague has pointed out, for other countries in their own data collection. I can't emphasize too much how important that work was in that period.