We are already funding a number of projects. Typically, as you mentioned, aboriginal communities need to adapt the tools or approaches used so that they're culturally appropriate. For instance, in the last call for proposals, we funded the La Ronge Native Women's Council, which is focusing on allowing women to find safe and affordable housing. We are currently funding the Niagara chapter of Native Women Inc., whose focus is literacy skills. A lot of these projects are trying to address root causes of violence and are very connected to the issue of poverty and financial difficulties on any level. Moreover, Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women's Circle is also being funded for a project that addresses the issues of economic security as a means of tackling violence within their communities. So they're focusing more on education, pre-employment skills, and things of that sort.
These are just some examples. So, yes, we are working with a number of aboriginal groups right now, developing further projects, so that—