Mr. Kessel was utterly convinced that there had been no changes, and he tried very hard to convince us. However you, Ms. McInturff, are telling us that there are some. According to you, are people attempting to convince us that there are no changes even though they know that there have been some? It is rather perverse to attempt to have us believe that there are no changes, to try to convince us of that, when there have been changes. This implies that people know that these modifications will bring about a big change in the way things are done, but they do not want the population to know.
What dismays and upsets me the most is that they want to have the population believe that no changes have been made. If they want it to believe that, it is because they know that this changes the way things are done profoundly. Otherwise, they would admit that there have been changes. If they knew that this did not affect the way things are done, they would admit that there have been changes. What do you think?