What kind of money was put in place originally, and how does that compare to the dollars that are there now? Comprehensive, I think is what I'm looking for.
Rather than having money stuck in silos that can't be accessed through other areas, I think I'm hearing you say--and correct me if I'm wrong--that government is taking a whole-of-government approach. This doesn't just fall under Indian Affairs anymore, and we have to look at the broader spectrum of how government can be involved. It isn't only Indian Affairs, but we have Health involved.
Is there a component there where education is becoming a part of all of this, obviously outside of the residential schools? I understand that education falls under the jurisdiction of the provinces, but are we engaging the provinces in this component as well so that all of the actors are involved?
Before I let you answer, I had the great opportunity a year ago to spend a week at CFB Wainwright. I was part of the program they provide for parliamentarians to join a branch of the military for a week. While I was in Wainwright I was asked to participate--as were my other colleagues--in the graduation ceremony for a program being put on by the military called Bold Eagle. It was directed specifically at aboriginal youth. The young people I spoke to who were graduating were exceedingly pleased with what they had learned. There was tremendous enthusiasm for what they had accomplished in the six weeks.