We have actually about 25 minutes left, a little over 25 minutes, so we could go to a third round.
I just wanted to ask the committee and the witnesses to look at the mandate, which not only speaks to the issue of domestic violence, which seems to me what we have been speaking about a lot, but it talks about the nature of the violence. In other words, is it only domestic violence that aboriginal women face, or are there other types of violence? If so, maybe this round might be a way to explore other kinds of violence, other than domestic violence. Is there society violence? Is there community violence? Is there systemic violence? If so, what are the ways in which one can deal with those and try to either prevent them or find therapeutic ways to deal with them or look at rehabilitation, education, or whatever?
I just thought that one might want to explore that, because we have only been talking about domestic violence, and I know we've been to other places where they've told us it's not the only form of violence that aboriginal women face, especially in urban areas; it's not the only type at all.
I'll leave that up to you. I just throw that in there. I know you will ignore me if you don't want to do it. So you can just go ahead and ask whatever questions you want anyway.
Anita, five minutes.