Well, we know that when families have a first brush with child welfare, it's generally when children are taken out of the home. It's generally not for a long time. We see a lot of children who come into care for very short periods of time. That's what we would like to address, because if you can avoid taking children into care....
We've done some analysis, and it's generally for about 36 days that a child would be taken out of the home while the home stabilizes in order to have the child back and the child be safe. If we can avoid taking that child into care in the first place, and provide the services and supports either in the home or with the extended family, it will avoid that first contact with child welfare. By stabilizing those homes, what you'll find is that children will do better in daycare and in the school system, and they may move forward in terms of being able to actually complete school. In the child welfare sector, educational outcomes are also not in the success range that we would want to see them at.